

Annual Business Plan

HOME Introduction Annual Business Plan

< Vision >

New Market Creation & Another Big Leap Forward
on the basis of K-Display Platform

Implementation Strategy

  • Technical Support
    for a New Convergence Market
  • Securing Future Leading Technology
  • Innovational Activities
    for Strengthening Industrial Stature
  • Enhancement of Downstream-Industries
    by Establishing a Stable Supply Chain
  • Supporting Competitiveness Improvement
    based on ESG Management
  • Training Future Workforce
    for the Next Generation Technology
  • Globalization of K-Display Show
  • Statistics and Information Service &
    Encouraging Cooperation between Members

A. Planning of a large-scale preliminary project for the post-OLED world

  • Promotion of an R&D preliminary feasibility study project for securing super gap technology
    Establishment of R&D think tanks for constant technical advice
    Reflection of academic opinions through strategic collaboration with the Korean Information Display Society
    Activation of technology-academic exchanges in the future

B. Continuous promotion of a project to build a platform for display innovation

  • Development and management of an R&D technology development business project

    Support for technology development and successful commercialization to achieve the vision and goals of the display innovation process platform construction project
    Implementation of new innovative tasks and sources to secure technology gaps with competitors, such as a meta-surface structural design for OLED and contactless electroluminescence inspection equipment
    Performing tasks to achieve the project group's goals, such as technical consulting on implementation tasks and meetings between the materials, parts, equipment and panel industries
    Establishment and management of occasional progress inspections and the performance management system for each detailed task
    Customized consulting support for each task associated with purchasers
    Promotion of inter-industry meetings to discover cooperative projects between suppliers and purchasers
  • Support for the establishment of a display innovation process center

    The innovation process center introduces construction and equipment, supports problem-free warehousing, and seeks business models for independence after the completion of a project

    <Innovation Process Center Building>

    Clean room building(8,642m2)

    EstablIshment of a 2nd generation (370 x 470 mm) OLED process and innovative equipment (roll to roll) that match the characteristics of the center

    Company support building(5,550m2)

    Built to support the effective operation of the clean room with convenience and security

C. Expansion of global technology cooperation

  • Support for the global cooperation strategies of member companies through the operation of the international joint R&D research group

    Securing a super-gap foundation through a combination of Korea's top display manufacturing technology and original technology possessed by leading countries such as the U.S., Japan, and EU member countries
  • Leadership in next-generation display standardization

    Leadership in international standards on displays/wearables and strengthening of leadership in standardization
    Network activation and the establishment of a standardization foundation through the expansion of standardization areas

A. Policy Response to Carbon Neutrality by 2050

  • Establishment of a foundation for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050

    R&D technology development according to the 「2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy (Dec.7, 2020)」to achieve carbon neutrality in the display industry
    (Preliminary) Development of policy responses and support tasks for responding to this preliminary feasibility study
    (Non-preliminary) - Promotion of a process gas development research project to replace high GWP gas used in the display manufacturing process with GGWP gas
  • Development of intergovernmental proposals for the display ESG response

    Acceleration of the paradigm shift in global ESG corporate management since COVID-19
    Development of government-proposed activities to discover difficulties in the industry and implement rational systems following the expansion of renewable energy

B. Strengthening of responses to safety, health, chemical and environmental regulations

  • Strengthening of preventive industrial safety and health policy activities

    Responses to safety-related laws and regulations directed at companies through the establishment and revision of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act, and responses to safety and health regulations
  • Enhancement of the field operability of the chemical substance safety management system

    Rationalization of the designation and management system for hazardous chemicals considering their chemical properties
    Improvement of the contract approval system under the Occupational Safety and Health Act
    Implementation of government-industry regular consultative meetings to discuss chemical safety management policies
  • Strengthening of internal and external policy activities to respond to environmental regulations

    Strengthening of industry cooperation and joint responses through the provision of policy change services to member companies subject to the Integrated Act and regular exchange meetings

A. Cross-supply of display materials, parts, and equipment

  • Investigation and discovery
    of candidate items

    Collection of opinions
    of purchasers and suppliers


    Cross-supply and joint
    technology development

B. Investigation of the global supply chain of display equipment parts

  • Investigation of supply and demand disruptions such as supply shortages and delays in the delivery of key parts of equipment due to the recent global supply chain reorganization

A. Promotion of the inclusion of the display industry in the National Advanced Strategy Industry Promotion Act

  • Suggestions for additional display technologies through visits to the National Assembly and listening to explanations by MOTIE and MOEF

B. Increased tax benefits and provision of information

  • Assignment of tariff support for overseas dependent items

    Suggestion to apply the allocation tariff in the display field to reduce tariffs on items scheduled to be imported in 2023 because domestic production is not possible based on a demand survey of member companies
    Candidates: transparent polyimide manufacturing facilities and raw materials, solvents for OLED cleaning agents, parts for OLED equipment, etc.
  • A briefing session on the revised tax law will be held in 2022.

    To help member companies understand the implementation and revision of the tax law in 2022 and to hold a briefing session on various tax credit items that can be used by the display industry
  • < Overview of the briefing session on the 2022 revised tax law >

    Date / Venue: Apr. 12, 2022 14:00-17:00 / Yangjae EL Tower

    Subject : Corporate tax representative for display related materials, parts, equipment, and panels

    Contents: Information on the tax law (corporate-related) to be changed in 2022, tax credit items in the display field,
    methods of using tax credits, application procedures, corporate preparations, etc.

C. Challenges within the industry and improvement of the system

  • Explanations during visits to the semiconductor display department by the Ministry of Industry, and submission of proposals from the Prime Minister's Office, the Joint Public-Private Regulation Improvement Promotion Team, and the MOEF's Innovation Growth Promotion Planning Team
    Proposed difficulties in the industry through collaboration with major economic organizations such as the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Korea Enterprises Federation, and the Federation of Middle-Market Enterprises of Korea

D. Expansion of promotional activities to strengthen the status of the display industry

  • Promotion of customized public relations activities for each subject, such as the government, the National Assembly, the public, etc.
    Operation of working-level organizations for establishing and implementing public relations strategies
    Operation of meetings for regular communication with the media and analysts

E. Support for the effective protection of core display technologies

  • Support for national core technology protection

    Reviewing and suggesting technologies subject to new designation, modification, and cancellation through the collection of opinions on the revision of core technologies and advanced technologies from members of the association
    Providing information related to national core technology and advanced technology and responding to inquiries
  • Operation of the display KAIT

    Efforts to normalize the activities of the second-term council (launched on Apr. 2021) contracted due to COVID-19
    Reorganizing the consultative body, which consists of about 15 people, including people from the National Industrial Security Center and the industry, and holding joint workshops and security education seminars for technical protection
    Developing a security guide for core display personnel to prevent technology leakage through personnel movement through the operation of a working committee under the council (during 1H of 2022)

A. Fostering of future core talent tailored to the field

  • (Fostering of next-generation display process, equipment, and material specialists) Fostering and nurturing of display process, equipment, and material specialists and guidance to employment channels of small and medium-sized enterprises
    Strengthening of customized employment support activities and expansion of the scale of industry-academic project support centered on field-specific training
    (Cultivation of personnel in the wearable convergence industry) Training of master's personnel who have completed curriculums for each wearable application and activation ofbusiness systems
    Planning of training to foster new professional specialists and management of the overall project performance for the implementation of follow-up projects (stage 2)

B. Reinforcement of training and convergence technology capabilities for field technical personnel

  • (Industrial-specific training) Re-training is conducted to strengthen the capacity of incumbent personnel due to changes in the industrial environment and the transformation of major business areas (LCD→OLED).
    In connection with the professional manpower training project and the SC project, theory and practical training related to next-generation technologies such as OLED and QD are promoted for employees in the materials, parts and equipment fields.
    (Fostering of display AI convergence talent) To meet the demand of AI experts and strengthen the AI capabilities of industrial field experts, an AI convergence education program is being operated.
    Enhancement of AI utilization capabilities for incumbent employees and fostering of AI experts in the display industry through the operation of a curriculum tailored to education needs by duty and level.

C. Strengthening of policy proposal activities through field-oriented demand discovery

  • (Survey on manpower) Development of basic policy data, such as data on manpower shortages in different industries and areas requiring education, and the creation of a policy base through a private-led survey of manpower supply and demand for education and training.

D. Preparation of platform for SME employment

  • (Employment expo) IMID, the largest display industry competition in Korea, efficiently promotes the current status of industries and matches companies with job seekers.
    (Matching platform) Establishment of a job-seeker matching platform to help resolve the problem of mismatching between job seekers and job providers in the industry and to provide customized jobs
    (Duties briefing session) Duties briefing sessions for universities, graduate schools, and specialized high schools are held to raise awareness of SMEs and understanding of their jobs
    (Employment guidebook) Publication of brochures containing information on job seekers, such as the completion of courses and project performance history of master's and doctorate (scheduled) personnel, and their distribution to member companies

A. Making the leap into specialized expos for the industry

  • < Overview of the IMID Expo in 2022 >

    Date/Venue: Aug.10, 2022 (Wed.) - Aug.12(Fri.) / Seoul COEX Hall A (10,368m2)
      * (Symposium) Aug. 23, 2022 (Tue.) - Aug. 26 (Fri.) / Busan BEXCO

    Host: Korea Display Industry Association (KDIA)

    Scale: 150 companies, 480 booths, 10 thousand participants

    Main events: purchase consultation, overseas trade consultation, business forum, booth tour, job fair, etc.

  • Brand as a global exposition specialized in the display industry
    Establishment of identity through the exclusive display industry exhibition
    * The first solo exhibition to be held separately from the Korea Electronics Show (KES), Semiconductor Exhibition (SEDEX) and symposium
    Use of a special hall to secure the scale of an international exhibition
    Collaboration with global exhibition organizers to secure the global status of IMID
    Enhancement of exhibition programs to enhance the business performance of participants
    Improvement in satisfaction through the provision of comprehensive marketing solutions tailored to participants from the fields of “marketing,” “information,” “personnel,” etc.
    Expanded operation of buyer invitations and exchange programs organized by the host company
    Strengthening of expertise through the operation of the organizing committee
    Establishment and operation of an organizing committee composed of industry, academia, research, and government experts to secure expertise and establish mid- to long-term development strategies for IMID
    Promotion of communication and spread of the exhibition’s value through continuous social media activities before and after the exhibition on websites, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

B. Hosting of a business forum

  • < Overview of the business forum >

    Date/Venue: Aug. 11, 2022 (Thu.) - 12 (Fri.) / Seoul COEX

    Program (tentative):

    ① Business strategy of big players (Keynote), ② Trends in the market and industry
    ③ Status and issues of OLED technology
    ④ Carbon reduction technology & ESG
    ⑤ Global display technology and business strategy of China, the U.S., Taiwan, etc.
    ⑥ Next-generation display technology, ⑦ Vehicle displays, ⑧ AR/VR/3D technology, etc.

    Paid registration (goal): approx. 300 ppl. (* 281 ppl in 2021/hosted online)

    Intensification of programs through customized programs
    Specialization and internationalization of forums through the expansion of C-level and overseas participants

C. Strengthening of marketing support to expand the market in China

  • Strengthening of marketing support for Korean companies to enter China

    Support for marketing, such as by holding road shows for visiting panel companies scheduled to invest in China and consulting with local companies to expand the market of Korean companies in China
    Invitations for key purchasing and technology buyers from Chinese panel companies with investment plans to hold 1:1 trade consultations with domestic equipment and materials companies during the IMID period
    Expansion of exchange channels between Korea and China through the establishment of a new program to link IMID (KDIA) and DIC (CODA)
    Establishment of a marketing support advisory group for providing checklists related to entry for legal, market, and entry information, etc., and tailored training
  • Operation of an overseas expo with Korea

    Establishment and operation of the Korea joint hall booth and business consultation operation to develop the global market and establish various networks among excellent domestic companies

D. Expansion of the support business based on the new south (Vietnam, India)

  • Market research and discovery of new models in India and China's Overseas Partnership Council
    Formation and operation of a joint expansion council for large enterprises, medium enterprises, and small enterprises that are scheduled to enter India and China
    Formation of an advisory group for overseas experts and market research and buyer discovery based on cooperation with local display-related organizations and research organizations
    For Vietnam and India, where domestic companies are expanding their presence, establishment of a plan to build joint facilities for companies that do not have enough capacity to enter the markets alone
    Hosting of exchange meetings and counseling sessions for local enterprises and buyers, related associations, government organizations, etc., to develop local markets based on joint occupancy facilities

A. Hosting of the 13th Display Day

  • The 13th Display Day will be held to honor the hard work of those engaged in the display industry and to promote harmony and solidarity
  • < The 13th Display Day >

    Date/Venue: Sep. 22, 2022 (Thu.) / JW Marriott Hotel Seoul

    Participants: Minister of MOTIE, president of the association, president of the society, academia of the display industry, etc.

    Contents: display industry development merit award ceremony

    Presentation of rewards to those who have contributed to the development of the display industry and continuation of public relations activities through the media, etc.
    Efforts to secure additional government awards by explaining the status of the display industry and the justification for expanding rewards through cooperation with MOTIE

B. Strengthening of support for the information services of member companies

  • Insight of the CEO

    Strengthening support for information services of member companies, providing the latest industrial trends, research technology trends, global market analysis, and government policy directions related to displays
  • Publishing of display industry statistics

    Issuing the “Display Industry Statistics” to provide statistical information of member companies (four times a year)
    Providing statistical information related to the display industry, such as information onglobal display market share by country, the global equipment market, domestic production, exports, and imports
    Expanding investment plans that are in high demand by collecting opinions from member companies, and newly adding statistics on the material parts market
  • Provision of customized information services for member companies

    Continuously providing information on the Chinese market and bidding information, and production and investment plans of panel companies, which are in high demand from member companies, both online and offline
  • < Status of the provision of the association's information service >

    The field, Name of Service, Frequency, Format, and content are displayed.
    Field Name of Service Frequency Format Content
    Announcements CEO insight Bi-weekly Online - Sharing information on technology trends, industrial trends, government policies, and overseas trends for the CEOs of member companies
    Statistics Provision of customized information for member companies Constant Online - Projections on the global display market, production of each country, scale of the equipment market, equipment demand by country, etc.
    Statistics of the display industry Quarterly Online/Printouts - Global market share by company, national/corporate display production capa outlook, import/export, etc.
    Trend of the industry Today's Display
    Daily Online - Clippings of media articles about displays
    Daily trend text service Daily SMS - Today's Display NEWS summary text
    Information on China Weekly Display
    Weekly Online - Latest trend of Chinese companies, bidding information (tender)
    Display Map in
    Quarterly Printouts - Current status of production lines, investment plans and investment stages for panel companies located in China
    Chinese display report Quarterly Printouts - China issues, corporate information, bidding information, local market research data, etc.
  • Semiconductor and display technology roadmap seminar

    For the win-win development of the display industry, a technology road map seminar will be held to share the direction of future technology development of large companies with materials, parts, and equipment companies (1 H).
    Semiconductor and display companies (Samsung, LG, SK Hynix, etc.) will announce future technology development directions and business strategies, and share the economic outlook for 2022.
    Holding online/offline meeting according to the spread of COVID-19 and the government response stage
  • Support of world-class product selection

    Recommending and supporting member companies for the selection of world-class products as the world market leader emerges due to the enhanced competitiveness of display companies
    * World-class product benefits: Priority on export credit guarantees and short-term export insurance guarantees, additional points for supporting national projects for parts and materials, additional points for examining the purchase of goods by the Public Procurement Service, support for participation in overseas exhibitions, etc.

C. Sharing of technical information and support for the discovery of new businesses

  • The 15th display overall workshop

    The overall workshop will be expanded to include new R&D projects, such as the establishment of a platform for display innovation processes, micro LED businesses, and small department technology development projects in 2022.
  • < Display overall workshop operation plan for 2022 (tentative) >

    Period: Jul. 2022 (scheduled)

    Participants: 300 ppl. including members of MOTIE and KETI and display academics

    Content: Keynote speeches from panel companies, discussions on future strategies, presentation of the current status of national R&D projects (100 projects in total), and rewards for outstanding research results, etc.

  • Creation of new business models to find ideas and lay the foundation for technology commercialization

    Holding a contest to discover innovative ideas and progressive technologies that can lead the future display industry through convergence with other industries

    < 2022 Display Challenge (exhibition) >

    Name of exhibition: 2022 Display Challenge

    The Classification, Creativity section, and Technology section are displayed.
    Classification Creativity section
    (future leading technology)
    Technology section
    (industrialization technology)
    Evaluation Standards Creativity(50), Practicality(30), Marketability(20) Business feasibility(50), level of technology(30), differentiation(20)
    Reward Scale Subject((Minister prize/2), Excellence Award(Association President Award and Sponsored Enterprise Award/2)

    Creativity section(future leading technology): new product and creative ideas that can be implemented in the near future

    Technology section(industrialization technology): technology and commercialization ideas that can improve existing display characteristics

    Period: May-Jun. 2022 (two months)

    Eligibility for application: university, general department, youth department (elementary, middle, high school)/individual or team (less than five persons)

D. Activation of subcommittee operations

  • Equipment Subcommittee

    Strengthening CEO meetings among equipment industries and implementing RFP planning and analysis of demand in new business areas through working-level meetings
    Continuous meetings of equipment CEOs to discuss major issues in the equipment industry
  • Materials Subcommittee

    Organizing a planning committee for materials centered on OLEDs to conduct research on technology demand and conduct activities to promote new projects
    Holding meetings of heads of research institutes and CEO meetings to discuss major issues in the material industry (five times)
  • Korea-China Cooperation Subcommittee

    Operating Korea-China executive exchange meetings and regular exchange meetings of subcommittees
    Holding regular meetings to create an atmosphere of organic cooperation among domestic companies participating in subcommittees to prevent excessive competition